Koh Chang is located off the east coast in the Gulf of Thailand. The expedition takes place around the island taking in breathtaking views of the scenery both above and below water.
The trip is led by a BCU (British Canoe Union) qualified Kayak coach, and includes trip preparation, trip planning, skills training and four days of paddling as a group. Students and staff will paddle sea kayaks with bulkheads with day supplies being stored in the kayaks, and the remainder of the kit being carried on the support boat. The route offers both coastal ‘hand railing’ and short open water crossings from one point to another. The group is constantly monitored by the support boat, and the location offers excellent shelter from adverse conditions.
The department head and student welfare representative can be taken on a pre visit to the site prior to the finalization of the programs to address any supervisory or safety issues and to discuss program customization and optimization. A full copy of our code of practice along with risk assessments will be provided for the program.
A Wild Planet staff member can also visit the School/college if required and give a short audio visual presentation to the students regarding what to expect on the program. We are also happy to conduct a presentation/Q &A session for parents to outline our code of practice and safety procedures, if required.
Activities within this program include: Ocean Kayaking, Camping and Team Building.
NOTE: Some activities are dependant on weather and may require changes on the day according to site conditions & dynamic Risk Assessment
The adventure groups will all be encouraged to develop a group identity and work together as a team during the program. The groups can be chosen at random or follow class or house structure. We will liaise with teaching staff on this.
Our challenge-by-choice approach enables each student to achieve their own successful adventure in the context of their own aspirations free from peer or instructors pressure. We have found during adventure activities, the greatest achievements are never in terms of the distance leapt or the height climbed and that in all our adventure activities everyone has a role to play.