• Trekking Khao Ito

  • Stream Crossing

  • Camping

Khao Ito Park - Prachinburi - Trekking Bronze DoE Level

A 2 day trekking expedition based from our Wildlodge next to Khao Yai National Park

Khao Ito Park

The expedition begins from the Wild Lodge and takes students through the nearby village. After a few kilometers they will reach the entrance to ‘Khao Ito’ Park. From here they will navigate through forest trails to reach the summit of ‘Khao Ito’. The park provides a perfect location to allow the students to use their navigation skills without the need for direct supervision. Established check point areas for instructors to monitor progress also provide ideal water refill points. Overnight camping can be within the park or back at the Wild Lodge campground. The second day would begin at the summit and students would follow different trails through the park and finish back at the Wild Lodge.

Prior to arrival

The department head and student welfare representative can be taken on a pre visit to the site prior to the finalization of the programs to address any supervisory or safety issues and to discuss program customization and optimization. If a number of teaching staff are involved in developing the curricular content, it is suggested all attend the pre-visit.

As all of our activities are provided in house our program and activities can be customized as to the particular requirements of each student group.

A Wild Planet staff member can also visit the School if required and give a short audio visual presentation to the students regarding what to expect on the residential, this can be fitted into a normal school assembly/lesson. We are also happy, if required, to conduct a presentation/ Q&A session for parents to outline our code of practice and safety procedures.

A full copy of our code of practice along with risk assessments will be provided for the program.

Teaching staff will receive, a packing list for the students and depending on curricular based activities we have, study sheets and general information that can be utilized for preparation of students prior to arrival.

Activities within the program

Route / Expedition Documentation

We will provide scans of our own adjusted 1:50000 topographical maps of all the expedition areas,

(a number of roads and trails on the standard maps are incorrect) We also have GPS mapping of our routes and GPS units are available for use on expeditions.

Free on line mapping program Goggle Earth has approximate 99% high def coverage of our expedition routes. The software for this can be downloaded from,


Equipment will be provided for the expedition with the exception of personal packs and sleeping bags/mats. Tents can be provided if required. Equipment will include PPE for water activities and harness and helmets for climbing activities, full details are provided in our activity risk assessments.

Supplies for the expedition phases can be provided for students to select from if required.

NOTE: Schools wishing to use their own equipment must agree to it being inspected and is use is subject to its compliance to our equipment guidelines.

Wild Planet Staff

Our team are on hand to provide logistical support, training session instruction and location specific briefings. Staffing levels are according to our program involvement.

All guides are trained in first aid, water safety and rescue as well as holding NGB qualifications in specific activities required.

Emergency Response

The Lodge has full radio and cellular communications and groups are provided with both Radio and cell phones as part of their expedition equipment they are encouraged to adhere to a “check in” program.

If the group’s route is outside of radio/cellular coverage then Satellite Phones will be provided.

A 4WD vehicle and emergency first response trained staffs will be on call at the lodge 24 hours a day.

A comprehensive first aid kit and sick bay with Oxygen is available at the lodge and the lodge is situated 25 minutes from a full hospital.

The Program


Group arrives at base location, sets camp and prepares evening meal. Full safety briefing of the expedition, a final check on route cards, food provisions and backpack inspections before bed.


Individual teams will depart at set times after breakfast (from 7am onwards). Students will determine when and where to stop for breaks and lunch. Assessors will be positioned at pre-determined check points to ensure student safety and water refills. The aim will be to reach the summit around 3pm. After arrival at camp (either at Khao Ito or back at Wild Lodge) students prepare meals and reflect on the days achievements. The evening session can be used to complete route cards for day 3.


Individual teams will depart at set times after breakfast. Depending on campsite location will determine the exact start time. Students will decide when and where to stop for breaks and lunch. The same safety procedures will be in place as per day 2 although at different locations. The aim will be to reach the Wild Lodge around 1pm. After cleaning / re packing the group will be ready for home.

Contact us about this program

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    School / Company Name

    Booking date


